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100 Things About Carole

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100 Facts About Carole

Goldie Honda
Is this a Honda commercial or what?

1. I am 24-years old.
2. I am a Cancer, the most nurturing (and neurotic) sign of the Zodiac.
3. I am very short, maybe about 5’1”
4. I am a clutter-freak. My house (and usually, my mind) are cluttered most of the time. This is because…
5. I have a lot of stuff. A lot of possessions. I don’t know how I came to acquire so much “stuff.” It just seems to find me.
6. I have never lived outside of Oregon.
7. Other than Oregon, I’ve only been to three other U.S. states—Washington (which I don’t think really counts, since it’s 20 minutes away), California (Disney Land), and New Orleans. I may have had a layover in Denver once, but I can’t count that since I didn’t actually leave the airport.
8. I have a lot of “quirks.” It’s part of my charm.
9. For example, I don’t like to use the garbage disposal, even though we have one.
10. I also have this habit of “typing” things in my head. Like if I hear a funny joke or interesting phrase, sometimes I see my fingers typing it up in my head. Isn’t that crazy?
11. I am an excellent typist, about 80 WPM.
12. I am a terrible driver. The only reason I have a license today is because I wore short shorts to my driving test and cried in front of the DMV guy.
13. I am a total “right brain”—emotionally driven, curvilinear thinker.
14. Despite this fact, I am surprising adept at using/understanding computers.
15. At least one night a week we usually have friends over to talk/laugh/eat watch TV.
16. I love to entertain.
17. I love to bake anything. I am an okay cook, but I find cooking boring. But I can bake with the best of them, probably because…
18. I have an insatiable sweet tooth.
19. My favorite dessert is my mom’s wild blackberry pie.
20. I don’t like meat. I don’t consider myself a vegetarian, since I do eat chicken and fish, but if my husband wasn’t a carnivore I would probably go “veggie” altogether.
21. I don’t buy into that whole “chickens have feelings” nonsense, but I just don’t really like the taste/texture of meat.
22. As a child I ate so many carrots my skin turned orange from all the beta carotene.
23. I am a migraine sufferer.
24. I prefer yellow gold to any other kind of precious metal.
25. My wedding ring is composed of yellow gold and a big, fat, one carat, beautiful, brilliant-cut diamond solitaire.
26. Did I mention I love my husband?
27. I enjoy changing my hair color often. There is just no better way to get a new lease on life. I don’t change to any funky, punky colors like purple or blue, just normal colors like blonde or brown.
28. I have a sick obsession with designer purses.
29. To date, I own three Dooney & Bourke purses (plus a Dooney & Bourke wallet), one Coach, one Kate Spade, and one Lulu Guinness.
30. I also like shoes a lot.
31. I get along with men better than women. I attribute this to being raised with no sisters and three brothers.
32. Because of this, I treasure my intimate group of 10-15 really good girlfriends.
33. I hate all televised sports. I don’t mind spectating sports in person, but only if it is a team that I care about.
34. Nothing means more to me than my family.
35. My favorite holiday is Christmas.
36. It’s not about getting gifts.
37. I love to agonize over the “perfect” thing to get the people I love.
38. My ideal job would be as a performer on Saturday Night Live.
39. I love decorating for the holidays.
40. I love the social activity of dining out.
41. My favorite movie is “Singin’ In The Rain”—it is an American classic.
42. The scariest movie I have ever seen is “The Exorcist.” This movie can really scare the bejesus (no pun intended) out of you, especially if you are Catholic.
43. I am Catholic.
44. Despite this, I do not go to church as much as I should.
45. Just ask my mother.
46. According to our priest, however, “keeping holy the Sabbath” just means spending time with God in your own way.
47. I hope God likes the mall, because that is where I spend a lot of time.
48. Though I joke, I consider myself a very spiritual person.
49. I must believe in God because I cannot otherwise explain the presence of the wonderful blessing that is my husband and family.
50. I have two adorable nephews, Jordan and Jackson.
51. I hope to be that one “really cool aunt” you always have.
52. All of my aunts are really cool.
53. My Aunt Harriette is particularly cool though. Despite her 70-some odd years, she subscribes to InStyle magazine, worships Pepsi, and listens to Billy Idol.
54. My favorite TV shows are “Will & Grace” and “The O.C.”
55. I am registered on The O.C. message board.
56. My handle is “Obsess Completely.”
57. One of my biggest pet peeves is wet socks. I would sooner die than spend an hour in wet socks.
58. I am registered Republican but don’t vote based on party.
59. I voted for “W” this time around.
60. I almost died when I was a baby.
61. My dad baptized me over the kitchen sink.
62. I do not deal well with heat.
63. I have a three-degree window of comfort that hovers around 73 degrees F.
64. My favorite seasons are fall and winter, when the leaves are changing and the air is crisp.
65. I love to dance. There is nothing like the feeling of energy and exhilaration running through your veins when you perform. It is a high that is unmatched.
66. My hair is naturally curly. It did not start to curl until I was about ten years old. It gets curlier as I age.
67. I love sweaters.
68. I love red nail polish (OPI “Kennebunkport” or “Matador Red”)
69. I love red wine.
70. I have many strange and un-useful talents.
71. I can unscramble words (a la “The Jumble”) very quickly.
72. I have an uncanny knack for remembering song lyrics and movie dialogue, even if I just hear it once.
73. I can pick things up with my toes.
74. I am great at wrapping gifts.
75. I am awesome at “BS-ing.”
76. In fact, I majored in English—a B.A. in B.S. Ha ha.
77. I am double-jointed. My soon-to-be-therapist husband will tell you that double-jointedness is a misnomer, but all I know is that I can bend my arms and legs way out of shape.
78. I have beaten Jarrod at cribbage ten out of ten times this week.
79. I also have many ineptitudes.
80. Math. I am terrible at any kind of math beyond Algebra I.
81. I am bad at taking tests, unless I feel really comfortable with the subject matter. During math and science tests (my two worst subjects), I always got the worst test anxiety.
82. I do not understand how to program my VCR.
83. I want to own my own business someday. I’m not sure what sort of business, but I do know that…
84. I don’t like people telling me what to do.
85. I really love words. They way they look and sound. Their power.
86. Guess that’s why I am a writer.
87. My favorite colors are red and pink.
88. I like purple, too.
89. I am a “girly girl.”
90. I love pretty much any kind of music. Not a big fan of super-heavy metal or country, but I’ll still basically listen to anything.
91. I own over 30 kitchen appliances (ranging from your basic toaster to a crepe-maker and shaved-ice machine).
92. If it was financially possible, I would have stayed in college forever and majored in about ten subjects.
93. I am not a morning person.
100. I am most productive at about 2 pm.